This is the top-level Makefile in the harvest directory created by extracting the Harvest distribution.

A quick way to build and install the Harvest software into the top-level directory is: make prefix=`pwd` all install.

The Gatherer leaves the gatherd daemon running in the background to export the database.

We do not support cross-method enumeration from Gopher, because of the difficulty of ensuring that Gopher pointers do not cross site boundaries. For example, the Gopher URL gopher://powell.cs.colorado.edu:7005/1ftp3aftp.cs.washington.edu40pub/ would get an FTP directory listing of ftp.cs.washington.edu:/pub, even though the host part of the URL is powell.cs.colorado.edu.

In general we set these defaults to be conservative. However, we set the default Depth to unlimited to be backwards-compatible with the RootNode specification semantics defined in Harvest Version 1.0.

While HTTP provides MIME types, other access methods (like FTP) do not. Essence can use either explicit information or heuristic ``rules'' to determine types.

A good reference for learning how to write DTDs is [18].

At present we have bundled software for decoding the binhex format, but not integrated it into Essence

The Gatherer uses its own cache rather than the Harvest Cache (see Section 6.7) because gathering isn't likely to exhibit much locality, and would hence affect the Cache's performance.

We are currently working on adding Harvest support for some of the more powerful features in the commercial WAIS engine.

While Nebula was built by one of the Harvest investigators' research groups, we do not presently distribute the Nebula system with Harvest. We will do so in a future release of Harvest.

WAIS indexes use fine-grained blocks and a sorted index to minimize search-time I/O, while Glimpse allows regular expressions and other features by searching the index sequentially, and allows indexing granularity to be adjusted to trade index size for search time.

We are currently working on adding Harvest support for some of the more powerful features in the commercial WAIS engine.



The Geographic Resources Analysis Support System package is from the US Army Corps of Engineers. See http://www.cecer.army.mil/grass/GRASS.main.html.


You should edit one of your /etc/rc* files so the Cache is automatically started when your machine boots up.

Netscape Communications Corp. is promoting active documents, which is the needed standard.

The harvest/src/gatherer/essence/unnest.c file contains the definitions of nested types. To specify that a type is nested, follow the directions at the top of the unnest.c file.

Duane Wessels
Wed Jan 31 23:46:21 PST 1996