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7.5 Troubleshooting

CreateReplica compiles and starts floodd and mirrord, but I can't see if anything is working.

Check your floodd status page to see if your floodd is getting estimates from the other sites. Check your mirrord status page to see if your mirrord is running. Note: the port numbers listed here assume you selected the default port numbers when you ran CreateReplica. If not, adjust accordingly.

The mirrord and floodd pages never get updated.

The WWW does not support automatic updating of cached client's pages. You need to use your browser's reload button to get fresh information.

Under Mosaic, the floodd and mirrord pages appear truncated.

This can occur because Mosaic's long MIME header causes floodd and mirrord to issue a TCP RST, which confuses proxy caches. Either disable your cache or query floodd and mirrord with netscape.

Both floodd and mirrord daemons are running, but no data are arriving.

Click synchronize on your mirrord status page. See if you see a ``notification in progress'' message.

I get ``notification'' messages, but still no data show up.

Kill mirrord and restart it as ``../bin/mirrord -llog'' from inside your replica directory. This will create file replica/log, with extended trace information.


Duane Wessels
Wed Jan 31 23:46:21 PST 1996