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Computer Program Competition CROQUAR-95
Official Rules

Based On The Arithmetic Croquette Game By Lewis Carroll

Anyone can take part in the competition: undergraduate and graduate students, teachers, professors, scientists, presidents, etc. of any age, gender, religious beliefs, etc. And it is free.

The winner will be awarded a prize!

Rules Of The Game

There are two players. In the beginning each of them has a natural number zero. The players take turns making their moves. The goal is to make one's number greater than 100. The player, who manages to achieve this first, is declared a winner. If first player does it first, the second player is still allowed to make one more move. If he/she also gets over 100 after this move, draw is declared.

Every move is being done by adding to player's number any integer from 1 till 8 except for the number that the adversary added on his/her last move and the difference between 9 and that number. For example, if your opponent added 2, you are not allowed to add 2 or 7 on this move.

Numbers 10, 20, ..., 100 are called hoops. When taking a hoop the "distances" between the hoop and your positions before the hoop and after it must be the same. For example when taking hoop 20, you may go 17 - 23, or 18 - 22, but not 19 - 25. If this rule is observed, the hoop is said to be taken. If a hoop was passed incorrectly, the player must on his/her next move subtract from his number an integer from 1 to 8 (with the same limitations: if opponent used 2, then 2 and 7 cannot be subtracted) in order to get back and take the hoop correctly. If during the game a player twice passes hoops incorrectly, his/her opponent is immediately declared a winner.

It is allowed to take hoops in two steps, for example: 17 - 20 - 23, or 18 - 20 - 22. Although, if you are in a hoop, your opponent is not limited in selecting his/her numbers and may choose any integer from 1 to 8. In particular he/she can pick the integer necessary for your next move (or the difference between 9 and that integer), and you will have to skip moves until these integers are free.

If you are not in a hoop, you are not allowed to skip moves. Every player is working only with his/her number and cannot change the opponent's number in any way.

How To Participate

  1. You need to write in C or C++ a module named MOVE.C or MOVE.CPP. This module must contain functions for making moves:
       int move1 (int score1, int score2, int lastmove);
       int move2 (int score1, int score2, int lastmove);

    Meaning of the arguments:

    The functions should return the next move (number from -8 till 8). Function move1() is called for the first player and move2() for the second player. They do not necessarily have to be different. If incorrect move is returned, the game ends and the opponent is declared a winner. The modules must not contain any input/output operators.

  2. You need to create a text file named PLAYER.TXT, which contains in its first line your name; below your institution; and (optionally) your address and/or any other coordinates or information about you. Your name length must not exceed 24 symbols. If it does, you have to either abbreviate it or use a pseudonym.

  3. Both files (MOVE.C/CPP and PLAYER.TXT) must be saved on a blank diskette 3.5" in IBM PC format and given to the organization committee before November 25th, 1995. After the end of the competition, your diskette will be returned to you containing protocol files for all the games played by your modules.

  4. Alternatively, you may send both files by email. Unfortunately, in this case organization committee cannot guarantee that it will be able to send you all the game protocols, although we will try to do our best. Participants from cities other than Ekaterinburg will have priority in receiving game protocols by email.

Additional Limitations On The Modules

  1. During the competition the following participants will be disqualified:

    1. Those, whose modules will not compile under Borland C/C++ used by organization committee.
    2. Those, whose modules use non-standard libraries and/or header files.
    3. Those, whose modules contain input/output operators of any kind.
    4. Those, whose files contain offensive text regarding the competition and/or organization committee.
    5. Those, whose programs "think" about ONE move for more than one minute. (Organization committee uses IBM PC AT not worse than 386, 40 Mhz)
    6. Those, whose modules generate run-time error for any reason (e.g. division by zero)
    7. Those, whose modules cannot be compiled because of too much static data declared.

  2. In case of lack of dynamically allocated memory during the game, the program, which allocated less memory is declared a winner.

  3. Time limit for a game is one minute for each player. If a module exceeds the limit, then the game is stopped and the opponent is declared a winner. To find out the remaining time, your module may call the function
          int timeleft(void);
    which returns the remaining time in seconds.

  4. One participant may submit no more than two versions of the modules. In case of two versions he/she should add to his name correspondingly "-1" and "-2" for each of the versions. Every version must be submitted on separate diskette or in separate email message.

Organization Committee Coordinates

The Urals State University,
4 Turgenev St.
Ekaterinburg, Russia

(Wednesday, 2:50pm, room 509), (Thursday, 4:45pm, room 622)
(Saturday, 8:55am, room 601), (Saturday, 2:25pm, room 611)

Organization committee: Sergey Gershtein and Eugeny Shtykov.

Additional Information

Winning a game gives one point, losing gives zero points, draw gives 0.5 points. A competitor whose modules collect the maximum number of points is declared a winner of the competition. In case of two programs having equal number of points, the result of the game between them is taken into account. In case of draw they both may be declared winners.

This document is a translation of the Russian version.

October 31, 1995.
Organization Committee

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Send your comments to Sergey Gershtein